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Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! Thar be news o' the Israel-Hamas tussle! Thirteen Israeli prisoners, set free they be, their names be known!


Arrr, the shipmates be tellin' us the names of the 13 brave souls from Israel, held captive by the scurvy dogs of Hamas, but now set free on Saturday. Me hearties, four more souls of Thai descent be walkin' the plank to freedom as well!

The identities of the 13 Israeli hostages who were kidnapped by Hamas and recently returned have been released. Alongside them, four Thai foreign nationals were also released. The group, which did not include any Americans, received assistance from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to travel to the Rafah Border Crossing. The hostages consisted of women, teenagers, and children, including Noam Or, Alma Or, Shiri Weiss, Noga Weiss, Sharon Hertzman Avigdori, Noam Avigdori, Shoshan Haran, Adi Shoham, Nave Shoham, Yahel Shoham, Hila Rotem Shoshani, Emily Toni Kornberg Hand, and Maya Regev Jarbi.

Many of the hostages were from Kibbutz Be'eri, which had previously been devastated by a Hamas massacre. The group Hostages and Missing Persons Families Forum and Kibbutz Be'eri released a joint statement expressing their happiness about the return of some of the abductees. However, they also highlighted the sadness of three children being torn from their only parent, as one mother was left behind in the captivity of Hamas.

Amir Solvi, the Chairperson of Kibbutz Be'eri, described the day as bittersweet, filled with both joy and sadness. He urged the government to fulfill its goals of returning all the abductees home and neutralizing the threat of Hamas.

In conclusion, the release of the 13 Israeli hostages by Hamas, along with the assistance of the ICRC, has brought relief to their families and the Kibbutz Be'eri community. However, the situation remains bittersweet as one mother was left behind. The hope is that the remaining captives will be returned and the threat of Hamas neutralized.

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