The Booty Report

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Arr, as the scurvy dogs o' Hamas be settin' free their captives, mayhaps a lengthier truce be on th' horizon, arr!


Arr, a wee lass, a scallywag of four winters, set free from the clutches of Gaza! Her parents, rest their souls, were taken by those landlubbin' Hamas scoundrels. A tale worthy of a pirate's shanty, indeed!

Arrr, me mateys! Listen up, fer I have a tale to spin ye in the language of a 17th century pirate, in a humerous tone that would make even Blackbeard chuckle. Now, gather 'round as I tell ye 'bout a group of captives set free from the treacherous land of Gaza, arrr!

In this group, there be a wee lad, merely a 4-year-old scallywag, who be holdin' the title of a dual American-Israeli citizen. Aye, ye heard right! This tiny buccaneer had parents who were unfortunate souls, taken by the villainous Hamas in a fearsome attack on the seventh day of October.

Imagine that, me hearties! A wee young buccaneer, left all alone in this cruel world, with naught but his dual citizenship to keep him company. It breaks me heart, it truly does. But fret ye not, for this tale be havin' a glimmer of hope, as our brave lads managed to free this young scallywag from the clutches of the wicked Hamas, and set him sailin' towards a brighter horizon.

Can ye picture it now? A pint-sized pirate, standin' tall on the deck of a ship, sportin' both an American flag and an Israeli flag, flappin' in the wind behind him. A true symbol of resilience and mirth, this young lad be carryin' the weight of his parents' legacy on his tiny shoulders.

So, me hearties, let us raise a glass to this young scallywag, as he begins a new chapter in his swashbucklin' life. May he find comfort and joy in the arms of his kin, and may his parents rest in peace, knowin' that their little pirate be safe and sound. Arrr!

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