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Avast ye! The scallywag pol be walkin' the plank reckonin' 'bout movin' them Palestinians. Walk the plank, says I!


Arr, ye scallywag Geert Wilders, be feelin' the wrath o' Arab states for his audacious claim that "Jordan be the true land o' Palestine," implyin' that the poor Palestinians should be resettled there. Walk the plank, says I!

In a humorous tone reminiscent of a 17th-century pirate, a summary of the news article can be provided as follows:

Arr, mateys! The Dutch right-wing politician, Geert Wilders, be gettin' some heat from multiple Arab states after suggestin' that the war between Hamas and Israel could be solved if them Palestinians be relocated to Jordan. Wilders tweeted this idea, shoutin' "Jordan is Palestine!" But let me tell ye, the Arab League, United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain were not at all happy with his suggestion, condemnin' it outright.

The Palestinian Authority, for their part, called Wilders' proposal an escalated aggression against their people, and the UAE embassy in the Netherlands called it downright irresponsible. As if that weren't enough, leaders in Jordan labeled it a racist position. They be sayin' that they reject any notion that undermines the rights of the Palestinian people or their quest for an independent state.

Jordan, along with Egypt and other Arab states, has already declared that they won't be acceptin' any more Palestinian refugees. They be fearin' that Israel wants to permanently remove Palestinians from Gaza and that militants might be hidin' among them refugees.

Wilders, known as the "Dutch Donald Trump," is the leader of the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands and recently won a massive election, puttin' him in position to become the next prime minister. He's been a strong supporter of Israel and is not shy about his anti-Islamic views. He's even faced death threats for his controversial statements in the past.

So, me hearties, it seems that Wilders' idea of relocatin' the Palestinians to Jordan hasn't gone down well with the Arab states. It be causin' quite a stir in the political waters, and it remains to be seen how this conflict will play out. Stay tuned, landlubbers!

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