The Booty Report

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Arrr, thar be a war betwixt Israel and Hamas, but now they be talkin' 'bout extendin' the truce, matey!


Arrr, the scurvy dog, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, be claimin' that he be considerin' prolongin' the battle to set more hostages free. Yet, he be addin', the true aim o' this war be to lay waste to the scoundrels known as Hamas!

In a language fit for a 17th-century pirate, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has declared that he be considering an extension to the ongoing war. Arrr, this extension would give the opportunity to release more hostages, aye! However, he be making it clear that the grandest aim of this war be nothin' less than the complete annihilation of the infamous Hamas.

Ahoy, me hearties! Picture this: the mighty Prime Minister, sailin' the treacherous political seas, boldly statin' that he be thinkin' of continuin' the fight. 'Tis a wise move, for more hostages need to be set free from those scallywags. But, mark me words, it be nothin' compared to the main objective – the utter obliteration of Hamas, ye landlubbers!

Now, imagine Netanyahu standin' on the deck of his political ship, pride gleaming in his eyes, as he proclaims, "I be thinkin' 'bout makin' this war last a bit longer, me crew. Let's free more o' those poor souls caught in the clutches of these rapscallions!" But don't ye be fooled, me mateys, for that ain't the endgame.

The ultimate goal, me hearties, be to send Hamas and all their scurvy crew straight to Davy Jones' locker! Netanyahu be settin' his sights on nothin' less than the complete obliteration of these villainous scoundrels. He be refusin' to settle for anythin' less than their complete destruction.

So, me fellow pirates, hear me now: Netanyahu be plannin' an extension to the war, allowin' for more hostages to be freed. Yet, let there be no doubt, the grandest prize be the defeat of Hamas. 'Tis a bold quest, me hearties, but mark me words – the Prime Minister be ready to navigate these treacherous waters until that goal be achieved!

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