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Arrr! US Navy heeds the cry, as an Israeli-owned vessel be plundered off the Yemeni shore!


Arr, the US Navy, true to their code, swiftly answered a cry for help from an Israeli-linked ship in the treacherous Gulf of Aden. Aye, tensions run high in these waters, with the ongoing war betwixt Israel and Hamas stirring the seas.

A U.S. Navy vessel, the USS Mason, responded to a distress call from an Israeli-linked tanker off the coast of Yemen. The tanker, named Central Park and managed by Zodiac Maritime, was under attack by suspected pirates while transiting the International Recommended Transit Corridor. Five armed gunmen boarded the tanker and attempted to break into the crew's safe room before leaving the ship and returning to the shores of Yemen. U.S. Navy personnel pursued the gunmen and arrested them with the assistance of a Japanese destroyer. However, after the arrest, Houthi forces fired two ballistic missiles at the USS Mason, which fell short and landed in the Gulf of Aden.

Despite the attack, the Central Park and its crew remained unharmed. Zodiac Maritime expressed gratitude to the international naval coalition forces for their quick response and for upholding international maritime law. While no group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, it occurred amidst other maritime attacks linked to the Israel-Hamas war.

The incident took place in an area controlled by forces allied to Yemen's internationally recognized government and a Saudi-led coalition. This area is distant from Houthi-controlled territory and not known for Somali pirate activity. Zodiac Maritime has previously been targeted in the ongoing shadow war between Iran and Israel, with an oil tanker being attacked earlier in 2021.

These attacks on maritime vessels come at a time when global shipping is increasingly targeted, adding to the tensions and risks of a wider regional conflict. Despite a truce and hostage exchanges between Hamas and Israel, the war between them continues, and the Houthis seized a vehicle transport ship in the Red Sea.

In summary, the USS Mason responded to a distress call from an Israeli-linked tanker under attack by suspected pirates. The gunmen were arrested, but the USS Mason was targeted by ballistic missiles. The incident occurred amidst ongoing tensions and attacks on maritime vessels in the region.

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