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Arr! The United Nations be a bunch o' scallywags! They be downplayin' the violence o' Hamas to make Israel look like the villain, matey!


Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! An Israeli scallywag be claimin' that them United Nations be ignorin' the unspeakable misdeeds o' them rascally Hamas traitors! Them be violatin' the honor o' fair Israeli lasses on Oct. 7! Walk the plank, ye landlubbers!

Israel is seeking recognition and condemnation from the United Nations for alleged sexual crimes committed by Hamas during a terror attack on October 7th. Israeli officials raised awareness of the issue during a meeting at the U.N. in Geneva, urging the international body not to remain silent. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, an associate professor at Bar-Ilan University, accused U.N. rights bodies of downplaying and minimizing sexual violence to portray Israel as the aggressor in the conflict. She called for a strong condemnation and recognition of the crimes committed by Hamas. Halperin-Kaddari theorized that the U.N. was perpetuating an image of Israel as the aggressor. She expressed concern over the lack of acknowledgment and recognition by U.N. bodies and the international human rights community regarding the sexual crimes committed by Hamas. Despite evidence pointing to sexual crimes, Hamas denies such abuses.

Halperin-Kaddari emphasized the importance of independent international bodies that investigate these crimes objectively and condemn them appropriately. In Israel, authorities have opened an investigation into sexual violence after finding evidence of victims being disrobed and mutilated. The private U.N. event, organized by Israel, aimed to address acts of sexual violence by Hamas. The U.N. human rights office has condemned the October 7th attacks as heinous, brutal, and shocking but has not been granted access to Israel. Israel is seeking recognition and condemnation from the U.N. to bring attention to the sexual crimes committed by Hamas and ensure justice for the victims.

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