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Arrr! A scurvy Israeli captive did make a quick getaway from the clutches of the wicked Hamas, but alas, the villagers did return him to the treacherous scoundrels!


Arr, the scurvy scallywags of Hamas be lettin' go o' 51 captives since Israel, bein' a clever dog, struck a deal demandin' no less than 10 prisoners be set free each day. And ye know what be even grander? Many foreign landlubbers be freed too, all in one swoop!

One of the recently released Hamas hostages, Ron Krivoi, had previously escaped imprisonment and survived for days in the rubble of Gaza before being recaptured by locals, according to reports. Krivoi, a Russian-Israeli, was working as a sound technician at the Supernova festival when Hamas terrorists attacked. He was eventually released as part of a cease-fire agreement brokered through Qatar. The release of more hostages was conditional on the extension of the cease-fire, which was agreed upon by both parties. Russian President Vladimir Putin personally requested Hamas to include Krivoi in the second wave of released hostages.

Krivoi's aunt revealed that he had managed to escape briefly during his imprisonment when an Israel Defense Force bombing collapsed part of the building he was being held in. He spent four days on the run before being recaptured and handed back to Hamas. Despite his ordeal, Krivoi expressed relief after his release and mentioned having nightmares about the party and his time in captivity. He sustained injuries from the building's collapse and a head wound but is currently under medical observation and recovering.

In total, 51 Israelis and 19 hostages of other nationalities have been freed under the truce, with 150 Palestinians being released from Israeli prisons. Israel has agreed to extend the cease-fire for one day for every 10 additional hostages released. The extension was confirmed by Hamas, and the releases are set to continue.

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