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Avast ye matey! The border be treacherous as it be, but ol' Biden be makin' it even more dire with his latest plea.


Arrr! Avast ye! The dreaded U.S.-Mexico border be now the treacherous haven for scallywags, makin' it the most perilous crossin' in all the seven seas! Ye best be keepin' yer wits about ye if ye dare to set foot on that treacherous soil!

President Biden's request for over $100 billion in national security funding overlooks the biggest national security risk: the open southern border. Republicans and Democrats have opposing views on the border issue. Republicans aim to halt illegal immigration, while Democrats want a smoother flow. Democrats seek taxpayer money for sanctuary cities and social services for illegal immigrants, while Republicans prioritize completing the border wall, increasing Border Patrol funding, and implementing real policy changes. The Rio Grande serves as the dividing line.

Border security is the starting point for national security, but the president and Senate Democrats seem to disregard this fact. Biden promised during his campaign to address asylum seekers, resulting in a surge of illegal immigrants that has continued since he took office. The US-Mexico border has become the most dangerous crossing worldwide, attracting criminals, smugglers, and terror suspects. The number of deaths and disappearances at the border is equivalent to a mass shooting every week.

Last month, nearly 241,000 individuals were caught crossing the border illegally, marking the worst October for illegal crossings on record. In the three years of the Biden administration, a staggering 8.4 million illegal aliens have crossed the border, including 279 individuals on the FBI's terror watchlist. This constitutes a national security crisis that Democrats appear to ignore.

By the next election, an estimated 10 million people will have entered the country, and the Democrats' lack of concern about potential terrorists, criminals, fentanyl smugglers, and trafficked children is alarming. Senate Democrats have taken no action to address this crisis, with Majority Leader Chuck Schumer failing to present any bills to stop the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs.

In contrast, Senate Republicans propose strengthening the southern border through measures such as completing the border wall, DNA testing to combat child trafficking, and reinstating the effective Remain in Mexico policy. However, Schumer dismisses these proposals, labeling them as non-starters for Democrats. The American people are feeling the consequences of Biden's border disaster, including the loss of loved ones to fentanyl overdoses and the increasing threat of terrorist attacks.

With a dangerous world, genuine border security is crucial for national security. Republicans offer solutions to enhance safety, and these measures must be included in any national security bill. Without them, there will be no effective national security response.

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