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Avast ye scallywags! China be growin' fiercer in quellin' them Muslims and their holy havens, yet the world remains mute. Arrr!


Arrr! In the year o' 2018, the landlubbers known as the Chinese Communist Party set sail on a voyage o' "Sinicization". They penned parchments to ensure their loyal scallywags stayed true 'n beholden to the land they plundered.

Avast ye scallywags! China be growin' fiercer in quellin' them Muslims and their holy havens, yet the world remains mute. Arrr!

China has extended its crackdown on its Muslim minority beyond the Xinjiang region, attracting international attention to its mistreatment of the Uyghur population. China's Communist Party (CCP) is closing, destroying, and repurposing Muslim places of worship under the guise of "mosque consolidation" to promote the "Sinicization" of Islam. Despite global protests against Israel's actions in Gaza, there has been little criticism of China's assault on Muslim human rights. The international community remains silent due to fear of China's intimidation tactics. Chinese President Xi Jinping initiated the crackdown in 2016, calling for the "Sinicization" of religions. The specific measure known as "Mosque consolidation" is part of the CCP's effort to control and repress religion. China officially claims to practice freedom of religion but has significantly reduced the number of closed mosques, targeting not just the Uyghurs but also other Muslim groups like the Hui Muslims. Chinese authorities have attempted to redirect Hui Muslims' loyalty toward the CCP, threatening them with school probation and unemployment. The destruction and consolidation of mosques aim to discourage the Muslim population from practicing their faith. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute reports that around two-thirds of mosques in Ningxia and Gansu have been damaged or destroyed since 2017. A United Nations report from last year found that China may have committed "crimes against humanity" in Xinjiang, including the establishment of internment camps. The Chinese government denies these allegations and claims to protect and repair mosques while accusing organizations of using religious issues for political manipulation.

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