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Schumer be scurvy dog, spyin' the wickedness o' antisemitism! Ye left be warned, no abettin' allowed! Arr!


Avast ye scallywags! The leader of the pack and the mighty Jewish official be warning ye young scurvy dogs 'bout embracin' bigotry whilst hollerin' fer social justice! Be wary, me hearties, lest ye be caught in a whirlpool o' foolishness!

In the year of our Lord 17th century, a wise and wily pirate, who fancied himself a wordsmith of the high seas, did spin a tale that befit the times. This salty dog, known as the Majority Leader, and a Jewish soul of great esteem, did send forth a message to the land lubbers and young scallywags of the realm.
With a twinkle in his eye and a tongue as sharp as a cutlass, he warned these progressive buccaneers and youthful rapscallions to beware the treacherous waters of unwitting bigotry that lurked beneath the guise of social justice. He didst caution them against hoisting the flag of righteousness whilst unknowingly embracing the very thing they sought to defeat.
"Arrr, me hearties!" cried the Majority Leader, his voice as gruff as a sea lion's roar. "Ye must be mindful of the language ye employ and the ideas ye champion. For in the pursuit of justice, it be easy to fall prey to the siren's call of prejudice and intolerance."
He regaled them with tales of yore, of battles fought and won against the scourge of discrimination. "Tread lightly, me young buccaneers, for the path to righteousness be not always clear. Be watchful for the hidden reefs of stereotype and the treacherous undertow of discrimination."
The pirate leader, his voice booming like thunder on a stormy night, implored them to be vigilant in their quest for justice. "Stand tall, me hearties, but with a keen eye for the trappings of bigotry. Do not let the winds of change carry ye away to unfamiliar shores, where ye find yourselves unwittingly embracing the very thing ye despise."
And so, the wise pirate spoke his piece, his words resonating across the land, leaving the young and the progressive in a state of self-reflection. For in their pursuit of a better world, they were reminded that the fight against bigotry must be fought with both a strong arm and an open heart.

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