The Booty Report

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Ahoy, me hearties! Seeketh ye treasure in the form of 'Mistress America,' 'Tramps,' and other fine streaming gems!


Avast ye! Me hearties! This month's treasure be holdin' a grand pair of jolly Gotham-based character comedies! They be hidden gems worth discoverin' on the mystical seas of streamin'! Set yer sights on these under-the-radar delights, and ye shall find yerself laughin' like a jolly buccaneer!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round for a tale of jolly laughter and witty banter. In this treasured month of hidden streaming gems, two delightful comedies from the bustling streets of Gotham steal the spotlight. Shiver me timbers, prepare to be entertained!

The first gem be a true treasure chest of laughter. Set in the heart of New York City, this jolly comedy be a barrel of laughs. It be filled with colorful characters, each more comical than the last. From the bumbling fool who always be trippin' over his own feet to the witty wordsmith who spins tales like a sailor on a stormy sea, ye won't be able to keep yarself from chuckling.

But hold yer horses, me mateys, for the second comedy be even more sidesplitting! It be set in the same bustling streets of Gotham, but with a twist. This time, the laughs come from a troupe of misfit pirates who find themselves tangled in all sorts of hilarious mishaps. Ye'll be rollin' on the ground, laughing so hard ye might just lose yar peg leg!

These hidden treasures be perfect for a quiet night in, when ye be needin' a good laugh to lift yer spirits. They be like a bottle of grog shared among friends, spreading mirth and merriment all around. So, set yar course for these under-the-radar comedies, me hearties, and let the laughter be yer guiding star!

Avast! This month's hidden streaming treasures be sure to bring a smile to yar face. Set in the bustling streets of Gotham, these two jolly comedies be worth their weight in doubloons. With characters as colorful as a parrot's feathers and jokes as sharp as a cutlass, ye'll be in stitches from start to finish. So, batten down the hatches and prepare for a laughter-filled adventure!

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