The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Frances Sternhagen, a fine lass from the realm of ‘Sex and the City', has sailed off t' Davy Jones' locker at the ripe age of 93.


Yarrr! This fine lass be winnin' Tonys on Broadway fer her performances in "Driving Miss Daisy," "On Golden Pond," and "The Heiress." On the telly, she played a motherly role in both "Cheers" and "Sex and the City." Arrr, quite the versatile pirate she be!

Avast ye, me hearties! Let me spin ye a tale of a fine lass who be known fer her talents upon the grand stages o' Broadway and the silver screen. This fair maiden be havin' herself a Tony Award-winnin' career, bringin' joy and mirth to audiences far and wide.

She be gracin' the boards with her presence in many a fine production, includin' the likes o' "Driving Miss Daisy," "On Golden Pond," and "The Heiress." Aye, she be showin' her range and skill, takin' on roles as diverse as the treasures buried on a deserted island.

But 'tis not just the grand stages where this fine lass be provin' her mettle. Nay, she also be makin' a name for herself on the small screen, takin' on maternal roles with a wit and charm that be rivalin' even the most fearsome pirates in the seven seas.

Ye may remember seein' her in the beloved tavern o' "Cheers," where she portrayed a lovin' and nurturin' mother figure. And if that weren't enough, she also be embarkin' on the adventures o' "Sex and the City," bringin' her own unique touch to the role of a wise and guidin' mother.

Arr, this lass be an inspiration to all, showin' that a pirate's life ain't just about plunderin' and pillagin'. It be about entertainin' the masses with wit and talent, whether it be on the great stages o' Broadway or the glowin' box of the television screen.

So raise yer grog and give a hearty cheer for this fine lass, as she continues to navigate the treacherous waters of show business with grace and skill. May her talents continue to shine like a beacon in the darkest night, and may her legacy live on fer generations to come.

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