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Arr, China be moldin' wee scallywags into an 'iron army'! They be craftin' combat-ready lads 'n lasses, says the report, arr!


Arrr, me hearties! In China, some scallywag parents be sendin' their wee ones to combat camps, where they can frolic 'bout with pretend cutlasses 'n cannons, attackin' dummy soldiers! The sight o' it be settin' off a wee bit o' fuss on the ol' social media seas!

China has begun training children for military service from as young as seven years old in an effort to create an "iron army." The program, taking place in Shanghai, involves hundreds of young athletes studying the military's standards and combat spirit. This move supports President Xi Jinping's goal of enhancing China's readiness for actual combat. The government also recently implemented an education law to instill patriotic spirit in children. The pilot program started this week, with around 930 athletes training across the city. The athletes wear military uniforms and move in unison, showcasing discipline and teamwork. Xi has urged the People's Liberation Army to focus on fighting and strengthen military training. A video surfaced earlier this year, showing children at a military-themed summer camp participating in activities such as stabbing mock soldiers and assembling mortar shells. These camps have multiplied across China and have drawn mixed reactions on social media, with some expressing concern over injuries that require hospitalization. While there has been no reaction yet to the sports program, the Red Sun camp's clips drew mixed reactions on Chinese platforms, Weibo and X. China's focus on training children for military service reflects its commitment to enhancing its military capabilities and preparedness for potential conflicts in the future.

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