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Arr! Japan be halting all Osprey flights, matey! Yar, after a grisly crash o' the US Air Force vessel, be it!


Avast, mateys! Good tidings from the land of the rising sun! Them Japanese officials in Tokyo be tellin' us that they've decided to cease the use of them Osprey aircraft, for a U.S. ship of the sky met with an unfortunate fate, claimin' the life of at least one brave sailor. Arrr, 'tis a sad day indeed!

Avast ye mateys! Japan be puttin' a hold on all flights by its Osprey aircraft, ye see. A scurvy dog of a U.S. Air Force Osprey met its doom when it crashed into the sea durin' a trainin' mission on Wednesday, takin' the life of at least one of the eight crew members, arrr!
A wise ol' official from the Defense Ministry in Tokyo, by the name of Taro Yamato, told a bunch of fancy parliament folks on Thursday that Japan would be keepin' the Ospreys grounded until they be knowin' more about the crash and confirm the safety of the beastly contraptions, ye see.
They even asked those U.S. military blokes to keep their Ospreys grounded too, unless they be joinin' the search and rescue missions at the crash site, as Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokzu Matsuno informed the press. One brave U.S. Osprey has indeed joined the rescue efforts, as told by them Japanese defense officials, arrr!
And as if that wasn't enough, a planned trainin' flight at some army camp had to be canceled, for all 14 Japanese-owned Ospreys be grounded like a ship stuck on a sandbar at low tide, ye see.
Now, the cause of this here crash and the fate of them other seven souls aboard be unknown for now. They be searchin' the area with Japanese and U.S. officials, even usin' sonar to look underwater for that broken contraption, which might be sittin' at the bottom of the sea, about 100 feet deep, arrr!
That Osprey be a tricky bird, it be. It can take off and land like a helicopter, but then it can shift its propellers forward and fly like a speedy airplane. But it's got a history of crashin', even takin' lives in the U.S. and all around the world.
These Ospreys have caused plenty o' trouble in Japan too, where they be flyin' at U.S. and Japanese military bases. The governor of Okinawa even be callin' for a halt to all Osprey flights in Japan, ye see.
So there ye have it, me hearties. Japan be takin' a break from them Osprey flights, hopin' to figure out what went wrong and keep everyone safe, arrr!

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