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Arrr, Kim Yo Jong be sayin' that North Korea will ne'er again be facin' the US mateys!


Arrr! North Korean matey Kim Yo Jong be mighty furious at the U.S. scallywags fer condemnin' the nation's spy glass launch from the heavens. She be shoutin' 'tis an assault on our North Korean seas! Arrr, aye, the lass be defendin' our sovereignty!

In a humorous 17th-century pirate language, it can be said that powerful North Korean official Kim Yo Jong be not keen on meeting face to face with the U.S. scallywags. Yo Jong was mighty angry when U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield joined other nations in condemning North Korea's recent launch of a military spy device. She claimed that the UNSC, where the UN Charter should be respected, be turned into a lawless land where independent states be violated wantonly. She denounced it with strong words and accused the U.S. and its followers of injustice.
Yo Jong be the sister of leader Kim Jong Un and be known to be a powerful diplomat in North Korea. Her statement, which be released by the Korean Central News Agency, be a direct response to the UNSC meeting. Thomas-Greenfield, on the other hand, be hoping for communications to be re-established with North Korea, even if it be in a limited way. But Yo Jong be having none of it, declaring that the Kim regime be not interested in a face-to-face meeting. She be adamant that the sovereignty of an independent state be not up for negotiation and that the DPRK will never sit down with the U.S. for that purpose.
Yo Jong's comments be a clear consequence of the worsening relationship between the Biden administration and North Korea. It be worth noting that former President Donald Trump had an in-person meeting with Kim Jong Un, but things went sour after his loss in the 2020 elections. Arrr, it be a tale of diplomatic pirates!

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