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Arr! Argentina be a no-show at the BRICS feast, cries a matey from Milei's crew!


Avast ye hearties! Javier Milei, a swashbucklin' libertarian, be takin' the helm as Argentina's next cap'n! He be swearin' to change the course o' our fair nation's foreign relations, after years o' socialist plunderin'! Yo ho ho!

In a hilarious twist, Argentina has decided not to join the BRICS bloc of developing economies next year, as initially planned. Diana Mondino, the foreign minister picked by President-elect Javier Milei, made the announcement on social media, stating, "We will not join the BRICS." This decision reflects the dramatic shift in Argentina's foreign policy that will occur under the right-wing populist Milei.
Milei, a libertarian, has been extremely critical of China and even threatened to sever diplomatic ties with the country during his campaign. He has toned down his rhetoric since winning the election but continues to criticize the leftist government of Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Throughout his campaign, Milei expressed his desire to align with the United States and Israel as his allies.
Mondino had previously downplayed the significance of BRICS, stating that it is more of a political alignment rather than offering tangible trade advantages. According to her, Argentina already has diplomatic and trade relations with most of the member countries in the bloc.
Argentina was invited to join the BRICS bloc in August, along with five other countries, to create an 11-nation bloc. President Alberto Fernández had initially praised the invitation, believing it would open up new markets for Argentina. However, the decision to decline the invitation demonstrates a clear deviation from the previous administration's stance.
Ultimately, Argentina's decision not to join the BRICS bloc showcases the comedic and unpredictable nature of international relations. It also highlights the unique foreign policy direction that Milei intends to take once he assumes office.

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