Arrr, Disney, ye be condemnin' yer own woke ways with the very words of yer own founder! Aye, a new book be tellin' the tale!
"Arrr, mateys! Behold, the sacred tome known as 'The Official Walt Disney Quote Book', crafted by the fine quartermasters of the Walt Disney Archives. Aye, this division was forged a mere four years after the demise of its illustrious captain at the ripe age of 65 summers gone by."
The Walt Disney Company has admitted in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that its woke policies have negatively impacted its bottom line. This is just the latest concession to the organization's drift from its founder's ideals. The Official Walt Disney Quote Book, compiled by the Walt Disney Archives, shows how representatives of the company have ignored Walt Disney's advice over the years. Disney's collapse as a family-friendly empire has occurred gradually but suddenly, as Ernest Hemingway would say. The book contains quotes from Walt Disney emphasizing the importance of showing the good side of teenagers and avoiding delinquency in movies. He also recognized the influence of what children see and think, stating that they become the sum total of their daily experiences. Walt Disney believed in the responsibility adults have in shaping the world of tomorrow and the impact they have on young minds. He saw his work as a ministry and stressed the importance of moral and spiritual standards in movies. He also believed in the importance of family and was unapologetically patriotic. Disney's decline has not happened overnight, and parents have been struggling with navigating the company's shift away from family-friendly content for years. Perhaps Walt Disney's own words can help bring the company back from its moral brink.