The Booty Report

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Arrr! Mateys, the grand plan to save yon California island be simple - blast all them deer into the abyss!


Arrr! Fer decades, these scurvy nonnative critters be pillagin' the sacred grounds o' Catalina! But the proposed fix be stirrin' up a hornet's nest o' angry locals 'n animal hearties, aye!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! Fer many a year now, them foreign critters have been causin' havoc on the blessed isle of Catalina. Aye, they be tearin' through the precious habitat like a hurricane on the high seas! But fear not, me mateys, for a solution be on the horizon! A solution that be so outrageous, it be drivin' the locals and animal lovers to the point of madness!

Picture this, me hearties: a grand plan has been put forth to rid the island of these invaders. 'Tis a plan so mad, ye might think it be the delusional ramblin's of a pirate after a few too many rum-filled nights. They be proposin' to capture these critters, every last one of 'em, and send 'em off to a new home on the mainland!

Now, ye might be thinkin', "Arr, that don't sound so bad! Get rid of them scallywags!" But hold yer horses, me hearties! These creatures have become a part of the island's fabric, like barnacles on a ship's hull. The locals be protestin', shoutin' from the rooftops, "We don't want ye takin' our beloved animals away!"

Animal lovers bein' animal lovers, they be worried 'bout the fate of these critters once they be landin' on the mainland. Will they be treated well? Will they find a new home where they be loved and cared for? Or will they be tossed aside like yesterday's fish guts? The uncertainty be drivin' 'em mad, I tell ya!

So there ye have it, me mateys! The tale of the foreign critters runnin' rampant on Catalina and the wild plan to ship 'em off to the mainland. Whether ye be fer it or agin' it, ye can't deny the stir it be causin' amongst the locals and animal lovers alike. 'Tis a tale that be worth tellin' over a mug o' grog, that's for sure!

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