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Arrr, the UN be pledgin' to keep feedin' them scallywags in North Korea till 2024! Pass the rum!


Arr, the United Nations World Food Program be swearin' on its pirate's code to keep feedin' the hungry souls o' North Korea till December next year, by the grace o' Davy Jones!

The United Nations has pledged to provide food assistance to North Korea until December 2024. The U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) affirmed its support for the country's citizens in a document posted on its website. Despite the stability of North Korea's food supply in recent years, the nation continues to face various challenges, including recurrent natural disasters. The official name of North Korea is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the financial commitment to food aid is approximately $248 million. The country is ruled by Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and has a long history of harsh and authoritarian governance. The Kim family, known as the "Paektu bloodline," has been the ruling family of North Korea since the nation's first communist dictator, Kim Il Sung. The oppressive regime makes it difficult for international aid organizations to reach the impoverished and malnourished citizens, as the government often prioritizes military capabilities over the well-being of its people. The WFP aims to support North Korea in achieving zero hunger while protecting the progress made in food security and nutrition. However, access to the country has been limited, with U.N. officials withdrawing in March 2021 due to COVID-19 lockdowns. The new budget and distribution plan are prepared in anticipation of U.N. officials' return to North Korea.

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