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Arrr! Israel's UN ambassador be givin' a hearty shout to Soros for fundin' 'pro-Hamas rapscallions' who seek to scuttle the Jewish state!


Avast ye! In the midst of this wave of support for the scoundrels of Hamas and the vile brew of antisemitism, George Soros be findin' himself in a right pickle. The rapscallion be accused of fundin' these ruffians and now he be under a watchful eye of suspicion. Arrr!

Left-wing activist billionaire George Soros is facing criticism from Israel's ambassador to the U.N. for donating over $15 million to NGOs that allegedly support Hamas. Israel's ambassador, Gilad Erdan, called Soros' donations "shameful" and accused him of supporting organizations that seek the destruction of Israel. Erdan also criticized Soros for backing the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign, which targets the Jewish state.

Hamas recently launched an invasion into southern Israel, resulting in the deaths of over 1,200 people, including over 30 Americans, and the taking of more than 200 hostages. Erdan has been leading a diplomatic campaign at the U.N. to highlight Hamas' crimes against humanity.

Soros' Open Society Foundations (OSF) has been accused of funneling significant funds into anti-Israel NGOs that support Hamas. OSF has donated millions to groups like the Tides Center, which reportedly justifies the destruction of Israel. OSF has also funded progressive Jewish NGOs, including Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and IfNotNow, which have been criticized for their anti-Israel stance.

Critics argue that these Jewish NGOs exploit their Jewish identity to attack Israel and deflect accusations of anti-Semitism. Some experts suggest that Soros' son, who recently took over his father's fortune, is continuing his father's anti-Israel agenda.

Fox News Digital reached out to JVP, the Tides Center, and IfNotNow for comment, but they did not respond. The OSF spokesperson refused to answer questions about whether they consider Hamas a terrorist organization.

Overall, Soros' support for organizations allegedly supporting Hamas has sparked intense criticism from Israel and raised concerns about his influence on anti-Israel campaigns.

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