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Arrr, Paul Mescal and Andrew Scott be chattin' 'bout 'All of Us Strangers', aye mateys!


Avast ye scallywags! Afore 'Fleabag' and 'Normal People' turned 'em into romantic darlings, these two actors be craftin' their very own heartfelt connection in the tale o' 'All of Us Strangers.' Arrr, love be bloomin' on the silver screen, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, me mateys! Now, picture this: after those fine tales of “Fleabag” and “Normal People” turned 'em into darlin' idols, them two swashbucklin' actors be settin' sail on a new adventure called “All of Us Strangers.” Aye, ye heard it right!

In this here comical yarn, these scallywags be craftin' a bond so tender ye could mistake it for a bottle of the finest rum ye ever laid eyes on. They be takin' the language of a 17th century pirate, puttin' ye in stitches and ticklin' yer funny bones till ye can't help but chuckle like a jolly ol' pirate.

Now, ye might be wonderin' who these rascals be. The first be our beloved Fleabag, that sassy lass who captured our hearts and had us all wishin' we could be her matey. The second be none other than the dashing hero from "Normal People," whose smolderin' gaze be enough to make any scurvy dog swoon.

But let me tell ye, it ain't just their charm that be makin' waves. It be their chemistry, the way they be sharin' the screen like two pirates in perfect harmony, makin' ye believe in love on the high seas. Their banter be as sharp as a cutlass, their wit as quick as a pirate's plunder.

So gather 'round, me hearties! Raise yer grog to these two fine actors who be takin' us on a voyage like no other. “All of Us Strangers” be a treasure worth seekin' – a tale of love, laughter, and a whole lot of pirate-y shenanigans. Ye won't want to miss it, for it be a rollickin' good time that'll have ye shoutin' “Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!”

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