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Avast ye! US be sayin' Russia gave a hearty no to set Paul Whelan an' Evan Gershkovich free!


Avast, me hearties! The State Department be sayin' that Russia, those scallywags, be turnin' down a fine offer to let our matey, Paul Whelan, and that Wall Street Journal scribe, Evan Gershkovich, set sail free. Blimey!

In a humorous tone, the U.S. announced on Tuesday that Russia has rejected a new and "significant" proposal to free Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and Marine Paul Whelan. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller expressed disappointment, stating that the American citizens should never have been arrested in the first place and called for their immediate release. While the State Department did not provide details of the proposal, it confirms that the U.S. government is actively working to secure their release and has declared both individuals to be wrongfully detained.
Whelan, who was arrested in December 2018 on espionage charges, remains imprisoned at a labor camp in Russia. The 53-year-old and the U.S. government have denied the charges. Gershkovich, on the other hand, was detained in March 2021 during a reporting trip and accused of being a spy. The U.S. has dismissed these allegations as ridiculous.
The rejection of the proposal by Russia has not deterred the U.S. from continuing its efforts to bring both Gershkovich and Whelan home. The State Department emphasized that the release of these individuals is a top priority for both the Secretary of State and the President. The U.S. government is committed to doing everything it can to secure their freedom.
Friends and loved ones of Gershkovich have expressed their support and have described him as a diligent reporter who is being used as a political pawn. The U.S. government's continued efforts to secure their release demonstrate its commitment to protecting the rights and well-being of its citizens.

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