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Arrr, Mateys! The mighty Kim Jong Un be sheddin' tears, urg'in North Korean lasses to bear more wee ones to halt the birth rate's decline!


Arrr! The mighty leader Kim Jon Un shed a salty tear, summoning the lasses to save our dear land from a dwindlin' brood! He be pleadin' them to rear their wee ones as loyal comrades in the quest for communism!

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un delivered a tearful speech at the Fifth National Conference of Mothers in Pyongyang, urging women to have more children and raise them as "communists." Un emphasized the importance of stopping the decline in birthrates and providing good childcare and education, calling these issues "family affairs." He referred to them as housekeeping duties for women, and stressed that they should fulfill their responsibilities to strengthen national power. Un praised mothers for their role in raising future pillars of socialist and communist construction and masters of the future society. The fertility rate in North Korea stood at 1.8 as of 2023, according to the United Nations Population Fund, indicating a decline over the years. However, it remains higher than in some neighboring countries such as South Korea and Japan, which have implemented government incentive programs to boost birth rates. Observers note that despite being one of the poorest nations, North Korea is experiencing a similar demographic shift to wealthier countries. Many families in North Korea are hesitant to have more than one child due to financial constraints associated with their upbringing, education, and future job prospects.

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