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The scallywag Cindy McCain be under fierce cannon fire for her anti-Israel leanings! A crew mutiny be brewin' against her!


Avast ye! Word be spreadin' that them WFP landlubbers be complainin' 'bout Cindy McCain, blast her, for not raisin' a cry for peace. Nay, they say she be tamperin' with their neutrality by attendin' some shindig at her late mate's place. Arrr, what a scallywag she be!

The U.N. World Food Programme and its executive director, Cindy McCain, have allegedly given in to anti-Israel sentiments within the organization, according to a former member of America's National Security Council. Richard Goldberg claims that instead of fulfilling its role of providing food assistance, the WFP has aligned itself with Hamas sympathizers, blaming Israel for the actions of the terrorist group. It is reported that McCain faced opposition from WFP staff who accused her of failing to call for a cease-fire and not expressing concern about the potential use of food as a weapon of war. However, McCain denies these allegations, stating that she did sign the cease-fire and suggesting that she was subjected to internal pressure. Goldberg criticized McCain, questioning why she did not condemn Hamas for breaking the cease-fire and demand Egypt's help in ending the conflict. Fox News Digital reached out to the WFP for comment but received no response. The State Department expressed support for the WFP's efforts to assist civilian victims of the conflict but also emphasized the need for U.N. agencies to review and address allegations of bias. Israel's Foreign Ministry called for reform within the U.N., emphasizing the importance of objectivity and impartiality among U.N. employees. In addition to the alleged bias, WFP staff also accused McCain of violating the agency's neutrality by attending an award ceremony honoring an Israeli Defense Forces officer. McCain defended her attendance, stating that she was there to support her late husband's legacy and remained neutral. The WFP is the largest humanitarian organization globally and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020.

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