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Arrr! Yonder Venice gondola be overrun with landlubber tourists! They be snappin' selfies, refusin' to sit, and tippin' their vessel o'er!


Arrr! In Venice's mighty waters, a gondola did capsize! Them landlubber tourists, too busy with their selfie mischief, paid no heed to the warnings. Aye, they be needin' to sit down and mind the weight, lest they end up in Davy Jones' locker!

In the beautiful city of Venice, Italy, a gondola met its watery fate after a group of unruly tourists failed to heed warnings and decided to engage in the forbidden act of taking selfies instead. The Guardian reports that these ill-mannered individuals, hailing from the wondrous land of China, chose to disregard orders to sit down and behave themselves.
It so happened that the poor gondolier was attempting to navigate the delicate vessel through a bridge, a task that demanded not only balance but also stillness from its passengers. Alas, these foolish souls paid no attention to the gondolier's pleas and continued their picture-taking escapades, even going so far as to stand up, which ultimately led to the gondola tipping over.
Fortunately, the group of offenders was promptly rescued from their watery predicament and taken to the nearby La Fenice theater, where they were greeted with "hospitality and warmth," as befitting those in distress. In a video of the incident posted on TikTok, one could hear the tourists exclaiming, "Oh my God," capturing the true essence of their heightened emotions.
According to the New York Post, gondola tours had previously reduced their capacity in 2020, owing to the issue of overweight tourists. The president of Venice's gondoliers association, Andrea Balbi, candidly admitted that the modern-day tourists carry a little extra weight compared to their counterparts a decade or more ago. Regrettably, gondolas lack the convenience of scales, unlike lifts, which provide weight restrictions. Hence, the number of passengers had to be curtailed.
As for the chilly fate of the tourists, one can only imagine the shock of plunging into the cold waters of Venice during the month of December, where the average temperature is a mere 46 degrees. Nevertheless, it is a relief to know that no individuals were injured in this incident, proving that even in the face of stupidity, the sea can be merciful.

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