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Arrr, Juanita Castro, the swashbucklin' sister of Cuba's Fidel and Raúl, be walkin' the plank at the ripe age of 90!


Avast ye mateys! Juanita Castro, a Cuban expatriate and valiant foe of the commie scallywags, has crossed the Great Davy Jones' Locker. She be 90 years old. May she find calm seas and treasure in the afterlife!

Juanita Castro, the sister of Cuban rulers Fidel and Raúl Castro, has passed away at the age of 90 in Miami. She had been living in Florida since fleeing Cuba nearly 60 years ago. Journalist María Antonieta Collins, who co-wrote Juanita Castro’s book, confirmed her death on Instagram. Collins described Juanita as an exceptional woman and tireless fighter for the cause of her beloved Cuba. As of now, the Cuban government and media have not acknowledged her death.
In her book, Juanita Castro revealed that she began collaborating with the CIA after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. Originally a supporter of her brothers' efforts to overthrow dictator Fulgencio Batista, she became disillusioned when Fidel Castro turned to communism and expelled those who disagreed. Her home in Cuba became a sanctuary for anti-communists, and she began working with the CIA, smuggling messages and money back into Cuba. Juanita remained in Cuba while their mother was alive, believing it protected her from Fidel's anger. However, after their mother's death in 1963, she decided to flee the country with the help of her brother Raúl.
Upon arriving in Mexico, Juanita denounced the Castro regime, describing Cuba as a prison under international communism. When she finally arrived in the United States, many Cuban exiles suspected her of being a communist spy due to her secret work with the CIA. However, she eventually became a respected member of the Cuban-American community in Miami and even became a U.S. citizen.
Despite her opposition to Fidel Castro's government, Juanita still saw him as her brother and expressed sadness when he faced health problems in 2006. She emphasized that political and ideological differences did not change the fact that they were family. Fidel Castro passed away in 2016, while Raúl is living in retirement. Juanita Castro's death marks the end of an era for the Castro family.

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