The Booty Report

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Arrr! Jane Wodening, a swashbucklin' lass o' experimental films and bold writin', sets sail for Davy Jones' locker at 87.


Fer 30 long years, she sailed th' cinematic seas alongside the filmmaker Stan Brakhage, her matey, oft sportin' on th' silver screen. But alas, after partin' ways, she ventured t' live off th' grid, scribblin' tales 'bout her own adventurous life.

In the grand tales of the high seas, there once sailed a wickedly talented pirate of the spoken word. She went by the name of Jane Brakhage, a majestic siren of the 17th century. Mateys, for a full three decades, she joined forces with the legendary filmmaker Stan Brakhage, her dear husband, and together they crafted masterpieces that made jaws drop and eyes pop.

But alas, every story must have its twists and turns. After a bitter divorce, Jane decided to abandon the hustle and bustle of society and sail into uncharted waters. She embraced a life off the grid, like a true pirate of the land. No longer would she be confined by the chains of civilization.

With her pen as her trusty sword, she chronicled her remarkable life. Oh, the tales she spun! From her days sailing the seven seas with Stan to her fierce battles with the merciless forces of nature, there was never a dull moment in her captivating narrative.

But here's the rub, me hearties! The beauty of Jane's writings lay not only in her adventurous escapades but also in the unique lens through which she viewed the world. Her words dripped with wit and humor, tickling the funny bones of even the surliest of pirates.

Sailing through life like a mischievous parrot on the shoulder of a rogue, Jane Brakhage left an indelible mark on the world of cinema and storytelling. Though her time on this mortal coil may have come to an end, her legacy lives on as a testament to the power of the written word and the mirth it can bring.

So, my fellow adventurers, let us raise our mugs of rum and toast to the memory of Jane Brakhage, the feisty pirate who danced with the silver screen and penned tales that will forever echo through the ages. Yo ho ho, mateys!

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