The Booty Report

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Arrr! A grand tremor o' magnitude 5.8 be rattlin' Mexico City 'n its countryside like a drunken sailor!


Arrr! A mighty temblor of magnitude 5.8 did strike the land o' Chiautla de Tapia, Mexico, on a fine Thursday afternoon. Methinks it be so fierce that even the good folk o' Mexico City felt its wrath!

Mexico City residents were taken aback by a moderate 5.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the southern region of the capital on Thursday. The news came as a shock to many, causing a ripple of anxiety throughout the city.

The earthquake, which occurred near the rural village of Chiautla de Tapia in Puebla state, was reported by the U.S. Geological Survey at around 2:03 p.m. local time. Fortunately, no immediate damage or injuries were reported in the area.

Despite the lack of immediate harm, the tremor triggered the Mexico City earthquake alarm system, leading to a flurry of activity. People quickly evacuated apartment and office buildings, congregating on the sidewalks of the city's iconic Reforma boulevard. It was quite a sight to see groups of office workers gathered together, perhaps forming an impromptu earthquake support group.

In a statement, the head of the federal civil defense agency assured the public that no damage had been reported in Chiautla. Acting Mexico City Mayor Martí Batres echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that there were no immediate reports of any damage or injuries in the capital. It appears that the pirate treasures of Mexico City remained unharmed.

While earthquakes are no laughing matter, the situation in Mexico City seems to have been a relatively mild event. Thankfully, the resilient residents of the city were able to take it in their stride and continue with their day. With no immediate danger, it seems the pirates of Mexico City can rest easy for now.

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