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Arr, Disney be not feelin' the love at the box office, ye scurvy dogs! And here be the reason why, mateys!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Yet another Disney flick hath met a watery grave at the box office, all thanks to its own folly. 'Tis forsaken its loyal audience, from movies to merchandise to theme parks. Walk the plank, Disney, for yer own misdeeds be yer downfall!

Arr, Disney be not feelin' the love at the box office, ye scurvy dogs! And here be the reason why, mateys!

Disney's latest movie, "Wish," bombed at the box office over the Thanksgiving Day weekend, marking another box office failure for the brand this year. Marvel's "Ant-Man" sequel, "The Little Mermaid" remake, and the Indiana Jones sequel have all contributed to Disney's decline. The company has not produced a billion-dollar-making movie this year, resulting in close to a billion dollars in lost sales and revenue. However, it's challenging to feel sorry for Disney's investors, as the brand has repeatedly promoted an ideology that goes against family values and faith. Disney's 100th anniversary raises questions about what its founder, Walt Disney, would think of the company today. In its early years, Disney provided entertainment and information for "children of all ages," lifting American spirits during difficult times. However, the company has now prioritized making money and appeasing leftist ideologies. The concept of ESG, which stands for "Environmental, Social, and Governance," measures a company's adherence to leftist policies. This has resulted in companies like Disney pushing agendas such as LGBTQ+ activism, climate change advocacy, and diversity quotas. The pressure to conform to these standards is forcing companies to change their internal policies. These actions align with Democratic Party policy priorities and aim to break capitalism and impose socialist ideologies. Americans are feeling helpless in the face of these forces, but there is hope in pushing back against companies like Disney and demanding they return to their primary mission of entertainment rather than promoting unwanted ideologies.

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