The Booty Report

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Arrr! The US embassy in Baghdad be bombarded by a score of rockets in the wee hours o' mornin', mateys!


Arrr! Avast, ye scallywags! The pirate-infested U.S. embassy in Baghdad, nestled in the heart o' Iraq's capital, felt the wrath o' cannonballs early on a Friday morn! A fearsome volley o' a dozen rockets be blastin' the place and its matey nearby buildings!

The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad was targeted by rockets on Friday morning, causing minor damage but no casualties. The attack consisted of 14 Katyusha rockets, some of which hit near the embassy's gates and others landed in the river. A U.S. military official confirmed the attack, stating that it was directed at U.S. and Coalition forces in the heavily fortified Green Zone. The embassy spokesperson believes that Iran-aligned militias in Iraq carried out the attack, although no group has claimed responsibility. This is the first attack on the U.S. Embassy since the Israel-Hamas war began, which has heightened tensions in the region. Iranian-backed militias in Iraq have previously claimed responsibility for numerous attacks on bases housing U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria. In response, the U.S. has conducted airstrikes on weapons depots and other facilities linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps. The U.S. has approximately 2,500 troops stationed in Iraq and 900 in eastern Syria. The embassy spokesperson called on the Iraqi government to protect diplomatic and Coalition partner personnel and facilities. The U.S. reserves the right to self-defense and to protect its personnel worldwide.

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