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Arrr! Blimey! Armenia and Azerbaijan be makin' a pact to swap POWs, aimin' fer a peace treaty, matey!


Arr, Armenia and Azerbaijan be swearin' to work thygether to swap prisoners and scurry towards signin' a peace accord, all fer seekin' a framework fer peace. Me hearties, let's hope they ain't just blowin' hot air like a leaky cannon!

YARR, me hearties! In a land far, far away called Yerevan, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, those scurvy dogs, have finally agreed to exchange prisoners of war and work towards signing a peace treaty! Blimey, it's about time!

The two countries, in a rare moment of agreement, said they have a "historical chance" to achieve peace. They're even talkin' about normalizing relations and respectin' each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Shiver me timbers, that's a big step!

Azerbaijan, those landlubbers, waged a quick military campaign in September to take back the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh from the Armenian scallywags. This resulted in a whole bunch of Armenians packin' their bags and fleein' the region. See, that's what happens when you mess with pirates!

Before this announcement, the two countries couldn't agree on nothin'. They were arguin' like a bunch of drunken sailors on shore leave. But now, it seems they've finally come to their senses and decided to play nice.

As part of the deal, Armenia agreed to let Azerbaijan host a climate change conference next year. Arr, they couldn't agree on a host before, but now they be settlin' their differences. The location and presidency of the conference will be decided soon, so stay tuned, me hearties!

European Council President Charles Michel is pleased as a parrot with a cracker about this agreement. He's callin' it a major breakthrough and is urgin' them to finalize a peace deal ASAP.

Even the United States is gettin' in on the action, supportin' the POW swap and pushin' for a peace agreement. It's all about that durable and dignified peace, me mateys!

So, there you have it, me hearties. Armenia and Azerbaijan are finally makin' progress towards peace. Let's hope they keep up the good work and put an end to this long-standing feud. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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