The Booty Report

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In the land o' Las Vegas, Biden utters a name he rarely doth mention, arrr!


Arr, the president didst openly assail his predecessor, former President Donald J. Trump, launchin' a direct barrage o' criticism he hath oft evaded, at an event announcin' vast treasure fer high-speed sailin' service. Yo ho ho, scallywag!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of the mighty President and his tussle with the notorious former President, Donald J. Trump. It happened at a grand gathering, where the President be announcing a treasure trove of gold doubloons for a high-speed rail service.

The President, usually a smooth-tongued swashbuckler, chose this moment to unleash his verbal cannons at his predecessor. Aye, he did openly attack the former President, a rare sight indeed! No more hiding behind clever words and sly insinuations for this Captain of the Oval Office.

With a hearty laugh and a glint in his eye, the President let fly his direct criticism, hitting the target square on the poop deck. He spoke with a passion that could rival the fiercest ocean storm, condemning the deeds of the one who came before him.

But fear not, me hearties, for this be no ordinary speech. Oh no, this be a humorous affair! The President, in his wisdom, decided to don the language of a 17th-century pirate, adding a jolly twist to his verbal onslaught.

He called out his predecessor like a true pirate captain, mocking his actions and decisions with a mischievous grin. The crowd, caught betwixt laughter and amazement, couldn't help but cheer on their Captain as he displayed his tongue's sharp cutlass.

So there they stood, the President and his predecessor, locked in a battle of words and wit. The former President, surely watching from afar, could do naught but listen as the current Captain of the Ship kept the crowd entertained with his pirate lingo and blistering criticism.

And thus, me hearties, the story ends. Aye, the President openly attacked his predecessor in a most humorous fashion, leaving the crowd in stitches and the former President surely scratching his head. It be a tale that shall be sung in pirate taverns for years to come!

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