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A scallywag cop seizes a landlubber's ride, engages in a rowdy pursuit, and tackles a scurvy drug peddler! Video evidence be here, mateys!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Witness the wild tale o' police footage straight from the United Kingdom! A brave officer, with naught but a moment's thought, commandeered a landlubber's bike to chase down a drug dealer and seize him! Avast, justice be served on two wheels!

In a wild incident in Northampton, U.K., a police officer commandeered a civilian's bike to chase down and apprehend a drug dealer who had concealed drugs disguised as candy. The dramatic footage of the incident showed the officer, Constable Lewis Marks, pursuing the suspect, Sean Prosser, on foot after he ducked into Beckets Park. Marks then spotted a civilian on a mountain bike and asked to borrow it, to which the civilian obliged.

The video captured Marks hustling on the borrowed bike through the park and city streets until he caught up with Prosser and tackled him to the ground. Prosser protested his innocence, but Marks handcuffed him and notified his colleagues that he had rammed Prosser off his bike.

Prosser was found to be in possession of a large sum of cash and a phone with incriminating text messages related to drug deals. Additionally, police discovered a Kinder egg candy toy containing heroin and crack cocaine. Prosser was subsequently charged with multiple offenses and pleaded guilty, receiving a sentence of over three years in prison.

Inspector Beth Warren of Northamptonshire Police commended Constable Marks for his quick thinking and also thanked the member of the public who allowed them to borrow his bike. She emphasized that tackling drug-related crimes is a priority for the police force and highlighted the importance of community intelligence in making the town a safer place to live.

Overall, the incident showcased the collaboration between officers and the public in taking down a criminal and emphasized the dedication of law enforcement in ensuring the well-being of the community.

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