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Avast, ye scallywags! Turkey's Erdogan be callin' the UN Security Council the 'Israel Protection Council', arrr!


Avast ye! Turkish Cap'n Recep Tayyip Erdogan be cursin' the UN Security Council, callin' 'em the "Israel protection council," fer 'is anger be brewin' when the U.S. scuppered a cease-fire resolution in Gaza. Arrrgh!

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his displeasure with the United Nations Security Council after the United States vetoed a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza. In a witty and humorous manner, Erdogan described the UN leadership as the "Israel protection council," criticizing their failure to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization. He accused the West of "barbarism" and Islamophobia for their involvement in the war in Gaza.

The vote in the Security Council resulted in a 13-1 majority in favor of the resolution, with only the United States opposing it. As one of the five permanent members with veto power, the US vote effectively blocked the measure. Erdogan sarcastically referred to the Security Council as an "Israel protection and defense council" since October 7, when Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel leading to the current conflict.

Erdogan questioned the fairness and justice of the vote, emphasizing that the world is larger than just the five nations with veto power. He criticized the United States for its unwavering support of Israel and called into question the cost of such support. Erdogan claimed that the Declaration of Human Rights is being violated in Gaza on a daily basis.

The Turkish leader has been highly critical of Israel throughout the conflict, accusing them of committing atrocities and massacres. He also took aim at the West, blaming them for their involvement in various wars and their disregard for the universal human rights of non-Westerners. Erdogan even compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to genocidal dictators of the past.

Overall, Erdogan's humorous and mocking remarks towards the UN Security Council and the West reflect his strong support for Palestine and his disapproval of Israel's actions in the conflict.

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