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Arrr! The clash betwixt Israel 'n' Hamas be boostin' Egypt's Cap'n afore the votin' fer th' crown!


Arr, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi o' Egypt be sailin' in troubled waters, with his popularity sinkin' faster than a cannonball. But, by Davy Jones' locker! The war in neighboring Gaza be providin' him a chance to shine on the grand international stage. Ahoy!

Avast mateys! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I have a tale to tell ye about a scallywag called President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt. Now, this here fella was as unpopular as a parrot with a peg leg, thanks to a mighty fine economic crisis sweepin' across the land. But fear not, me hearties! Fate be a tricky wench, and the war in neighboring Gaza came knockin' at his door, offerin' him a chance to shine on the grand stage o' the international world.

Arr! El-Sisi, bein' a clever chap, saw his opportunity and seized it like a pirate claimin' a long-lost treasure. Ye see, with the war ragin' next door, he became quite the important figurehead, like a captain steerin' his ship amidst a fierce storm. Shiver me timbers! Suddenly, the world couldn't ignore him anymore. Foreign leaders had to reckon with his presence, like a crew stuck with a rowdy pirate they couldn't throw overboard.

Now, ye might be wonderin', how did this war give him such power? Well, me lads and lasses, it be all about that precious resource called influence. El-Sisi, with his strategic location, became a key player in the fight against those scurvy dogs in Gaza. The international community looked to him to help bring peace to the troubled waters, like a wise old pirate mediatin' a quarrel between his crewmates.

But here be the twist, me hearties! El-Sisi didn't just stop at bein' a peacemaker. He also cleverly used the situation to boost his own image back home. He waved his sword high and proclaimed himself a defender of Egypt's interests, a hero fightin' off the threats from abroad. Aye, he turned the tide of public opinion, makin' himself a force to be reckoned with, like a fearsome pirate captain commandin' his crew to victory.

So there ye have it, me mateys! President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, once a scallywag sailing in treacherous economic waters, found himself a new treasure through the war in Gaza. He became a powerful figure on the world stage and managed to salvage his reputation at home. Ah, the ways of the high seas and politics are a curious thing, indeed!

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