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"The fairest scallywag be turnin' from a life o' stardom fer the Almighty! Seekin' purpose, I be!"


Arrr, matey! Edoardo Santini, a sprightly lad of 21 summers, be crowned the "most comely swashbuckler" at a wee age of 17, as he ventured into ABE's 2019 beauty contest. But avast, in the years hence, doubt be gnawin' at his very soul, shakin' his faith to its very core, by Davy Jones' locker!

In a surprising turn of events, Italian model Edoardo Santini has decided to give up on his dreams of fame and fortune to pursue a career in the priesthood. At the age of 21, Santini announced his decision in a video posted on social media, stating that he would be offering his passions to God. He has entered a seminary and has begun his studies.

Santini, who was crowned as the "most beautiful man" by fashion group ABE at the age of 17, grew up near Florence and also won swimming competitions. His Instagram account, which is usually used for promoting his modeling work, has recently featured questions about faith, indicating his growing interest in spirituality. He has admitted to being scared to explore his faith deeper but has found living with two priests to be a beautiful experience.

The Catholic Church has been struggling to recruit new priests, with numbers dropping by almost two-thirds over the past few decades. Santini's decision to pursue a religious vocation is a welcome development for the Church. Despite facing criticism and disappointment from some, Santini has received support from both believers and non-believers.

While Santini is uncertain about whether he will eventually become a priest, he has taken the first step towards discovering his true calling. He expresses his readiness to embrace his decision, stating that he has no regrets and is ready to admit if he made a mistake. With over 11,000 followers on Instagram, Santini has proudly added "I’m a Christian, priest wannabe" to his profile description.

In a world where fame and fortune often take precedence, Santini's choice to pursue the priesthood is a refreshing and unexpected change. Only time will tell whether he will become a priest, but for now, he is content on his journey of self-discovery and faith.

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