The Booty Report

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Shiver me timbers! Shlomo Avineri, an Israeli scholar doubting peace, be meetin' Davy Jones at 90 summers.


Arr, a scurvy ex-liberal landlubber, he be thinkin' there be slim pickin's fer mendin' fences wi' them Palestinians anytime soon, matey! Yet, he be wantin' to quell the stormy seas o' conflict. Yo-ho-ho!

Arr, me hearties! Listen ye well to this tale of a former scallywag, a liberal official o' the government. He be a shrewd one, he be, seein' nary a hope for peace betwixt us and the scurvy dogs, the Palestinians, in the foreseeable future. Aye, he be a realist, he be, knowin' that mendin' fences be a task not easily done.

But fear not, me mateys, for this clever landlubber be not one to sit idle in despair. Nay, he be a crafty one, seekin' to soothe the tensions that be like a stormy sea betwixt us. Aye, he be wantin' to calm the waves, to find a way to sail these treacherous waters without bein' sunk by cannon fire.

How does he go about this daring mission, ye be askin'? Well, me hearties, he be usin' his wits and his silver tongue to negotiate, to find common ground, and to mend the tattered sails of diplomacy. He be a master of the art of compromisin', seekin' to find a middle course that be pleasin' to both sides. A delicate dance it be, avoidin' the jagged rocks of conflict.

But let's not forget the humerin' tone of this tale, me buckos! This former official be a jolly one, for even in the face of such a daunting challenge, he be keepin' his sense o' humor. Why, he be crackin' jokes and makin' jests, all in the hopes of lightening the mood and bringin' a smile to the faces of those hardened scallywags on both sides.

So raise your mugs, me hearties, to this former government official! May he continue to navigate these treacherous waters, seekin' peace and harmony amidst the storm. And may his efforts be rewarded with a bounty of laughter and cooperation, instead of the clash of swords and the roar of cannons!

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