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Arr matey! Libertarian Javier Milei be takin' the helm as Argentina's cap'n, t'rule the ship, he be!


Arrr, mateys! The grand Javier Milei be takin' the helm as the Argentinian President on Dec. 10, 2023, havin' won an election by spewin' his mighty words, much like the infamous Cap'n Trump of the United States! Aye, ye be hearin' right, a sea of similarities!

Javier Milei, an anarcho-capitalist and self-described pirate, has been sworn in as Argentina's new president. His sensational rhetoric, similar to that of former US President Donald Trump, drew comparisons between the two. During his inaugural address, Milei spoke about the country's economic emergency and the need for public spending cuts. He emphasized the urgency of the situation and criticized the political class for leaving the country on the brink of its biggest crisis in history. Argentina is currently facing 143% annual inflation and a plummeting currency, along with a trade deficit of $43 billion and $45 billion in debt to the International Monetary Fund. Milei has stated that there is no money and a gradualist approach is not an option. He promised that his proposed changes would mostly affect the state rather than the private sector and would lead to prosperity in the long term. Milei was sworn in inside the National Congress building, but then delivered his inaugural address to supporters outside, with his back turned to the legislature. He blamed the outgoing lawmakers for Argentina's current situation, stating that they have ruined the lives of the people. Despite some controversy surrounding his campaign, Milei's rhetoric resonated with many Argentines who are struggling economically.

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