The Booty Report

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Arr, me mateys, the cove's constables be settin' sail on a hunt for scurvy dogs behind this vile attack on a Jewish lass.


Arr, ye scurvy dogs in London be investigatin' whether the dastardly attack and plunderin' of a young Jewish lass be a crime o' hate. Avast! Bring forth the truth, ye landlubbers!

Police in the United Kingdom are investigating a potential hate crime after a video of an assault went viral. The video, released by Jewish security group Shomrim, shows a woman being beaten and kicked while bystanders finally intervene to check on her. The attackers allegedly said she was "dead" and left her unconscious for a few minutes. Fortunately, the victim, a 20-year-old Jewish woman, did not require hospitalization but was left bruised and unconscious. Detective Inspector Mike Herrick of the Metropolitan Police expressed his shock and emphasized the psychological impact of such offenses. The police confirmed the authenticity of the video and assured that a thorough investigation was taking place to identify the suspects and determine the motive behind the attack. The incident occurred north of London and has prompted widespread condemnation. Authorities are taking the suggestion of a hate crime incredibly seriously. Shomrim's release of the video has helped shed light on the assault and has contributed to the investigation. The victim is receiving support during this traumatizing experience. This incident serves as a reminder that hate crimes are still prevalent and can cause significant harm. It is crucial for communities to stand together against hate and support victims. The police's commitment to investigating this incident thoroughly is commendable, and hopefully, justice will be served.

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