The Booty Report

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Arr, Navalny be a scallywag, missin' court, leavin' his lubbers in a tizzy! Aye, trouble brews, mateys!


Arrr, me hearties! On Monday, the Russian scallywag, the opposition leader, was due to grace the district court via a mystical video link. But alas! His trusty mateys be sayin' they haven't laid eyes on him for more than five days. Savvy?

Arr, mateys! Listen up, me hearties! There be news from afar about a Russian rascal known as the opposition leader. Aye, he was set to make an appearance in a court via a magical talking screen, but it seems he be missing in action!

Hark! His trusted companion, the spokeswoman, be cryin' from the rooftops, "We haven't had a whisper from him in more than five sunsets!" Aye, me hearties, it seems this opposition leader be playin' a game of hide and seek with his mates. But why, ye may ask?

Well, me lads and lasses, this be the land of Russia, where the winds of politics blow fierce and foul. The opposition leader be a thorn in the side of the mighty rulers, and they be keepin' a close watch on his every move. Methinks he be dodgin' their clutches like a nimble pirate on the high seas!

But fear not, ye scallywags! The opposition leader's mates be worried sick, for his disappearance be a mystery. Did he walk the plank? Did a sea monster gobble him up whole? Or did he be craftily hidin' in a secret lair, waitin' to strike back at his foes?

Only time will tell, me hearties. But until we know more, let us keep a weathered eye on the horizon. The opposition leader be a bold and daring pirate of politics, fightin' for what he believes in. We can only hope that he be safe and sound, plottin' his next move in this treacherous game.

So, me hearties, let us raise a mug of grog to this mysterious opposition leader. May the winds be at his back and the stars guide him to safety. And may we soon hear his hearty pirate laughter echo across the seven seas once more!

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