Arr! Biden be sailin' us into a wild frenzy o' green energy, sendin' us straight into eternal darkness!
Biden's lunatic haste to scurvy renewable energy like wind and solar be meanin' we shan't have trustworthy power round the clock, year round, as we do now, mateys! America be yearnin' for a hearty energy grid we can rely upon!
The article discusses the "rush-to-green" policies of the Biden administration and congressional Democrats, highlighting their belief that intermittent power generation can meet energy demand in the United States. The author argues that this belief is based on a false premise and is detrimental to Americans' standard of living and safety. While the author supports renewable energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal, and hydropower, they emphasize the need for always-on baseload power generation to meet the country's demand for electricity. The article criticizes the administration for forcing certain energy generation, such as coal and natural gas, to be taken offline or made difficult to operate, while fast-tracking renewable projects through subsidies.The author explains that wind and solar energy are intermittent producers, only generating electricity when the wind blows or the sun shines. They argue that while battery technologies have the potential to store intermittent power, they are not yet as reliable as conventional, dispatchable generation. The author also raises concerns about the ethical issues surrounding the mining of raw materials for battery production, which is largely reliant on China.
The article suggests pump storage as an alternative form of battery that can store and supply days' worth of power. However, the current regulatory landscape is not conducive to the licensing of new pump-storage operations. The author warns that relying solely on renewable generation without adequate battery storage or dispatchable power generation could leave states without the electricity they require and potentially lead to a crisis of brownouts and blackouts.
In conclusion, the author advocates for a realistic approach to energy generation, focusing on replacing retiring power plants with adequate natural gas generation to meet the growing demand for power while ensuring affordable electricity for customers.