The Booty Report

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Arrr, Mateys! The U.S. be worried that Israel may be usin' the white phosphorus we be supplyin'!


Arr, matey! The Biden crew be sayin' they'll be askin' some questions 'bout them reports claimin' that Israel be usin' unlawful white phosphorus in Lebanon back in October. But them scallywags o' Israel be denyin' it, they do!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, for I've got a tale to spin ye. The Biden administration, those landlubbers, be raisin' questions 'bout the reports o' Israel's mischievous use o' white phosphorus in Lebanon back in October. Aye, ye heard it right – white phosphorus! The scuttlebutt be that Israel be breakin' the rules, me buckos, but they be denyin' it like a slippery eel.

Now, ye might be wonderin' what white phosphorus be, and why this be such a big deal. Well, let this ol' sea dog explain. White phosphorus be a fiery substance, burnin' like the fires o' hell itself. It be used in warfare to create smoke screens, but it's a nasty piece o' work. When it comes into contact with flesh, it can cause serious harm, blisterin' the skin and causin' unimaginable pain. That be why its use be regulated, so ye don't go around burnin' innocent souls for sport.

But back to the tale at hand. The Biden administration be lookin' into these claims, wantin' to know if Israel be playin' by the rules. And what be Israel's response, ye may ask? They be denyin' it faster than a pirate fleein' from the gallows! They be claimin' they be innocent, that these be nothin' but mere rumors spread by their enemies. Aye, they be stickin' to their story like barnacles on a ship's hull.

Now, whether these claims be true or not, only Davy Jones knows for sure. But it be clear that the Biden administration be takin' this matter seriously, not wantin' any scallywags breakin' the rules of war. So, me hearties, let's keep an eye on this tale unfoldin', for there be always more to a pirate's life than meets the eye. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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