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Arr! Arr! US military lairs in Iraq and Syria be under attack once more, makin' it a grand total o' 90 times since Oct. 17!


Arrr, mateys! Them U.S. air bases in Iraq and Syria be gettin' a right ol' wallop once more, tallyin' up to a grand total of at least 90 since Oct. 17! Shivers be runnin' through the bones of many, as fears grow o' the Israel-Hamas skirmish spreadin' like wildfire!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, there be news of two new attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria, according to senior U.S. defense officials spillin' their beans to Fox News Digital. At Al-Asad Air Base in Iraq, a one-way attack drone was shot down near the base, but thankfully no injuries or damage were reported. Over at Patrol Base Al-Shaddadi in Syria, there was a multi-rocket attack, but again, no injuries or infrastructure damage be suffered, mateys.

Arr, these recent attacks make it a total of at least 90 since Oct. 17, which was just a couple of weeks into Israel's scuffle with Hamas. Those responsible be a bunch of Iran-backed Iraqi scallywags who go by the name of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq. They claim to be retaliatin' against the U.S. for their support of Israel and their presence in Iraq and Syria.

Now, ye see, Iran has a fair bit of sway in Iraq, and they managed to install their mate Mohammed Shia al-Sudani as Prime Minister just last October. Meanwhile, there be about 2,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, tryin' to keep those pesky militant Islamic State group buccaneers at bay.

Not only that, Baghdad relies on Washington's sanctions waivers to buy electricity from Iran, and since the U.S. invasion in 2003, Iraq's stash of foreign currency be sittin' in the U.S. Federal Reserve, givin' the Americans quite the hold over Iraq's supply of dollars.

Meanwhile, the U.S. and the rest of the world be scramblin' to prevent the Gaza Strip war from spillin' over into the rest of the region. It's a bit of a sticky wicket, but so far, Iraq's militias haven't been too involved in the conflict, unlike Lebanon's Hezbollah group, who be seen as Iran's favorite proxy in the area.

That be the tale, me hearties. The Associated Press be helpin' me tell it, so give them a tip o' the hat. Fair winds and a calm sea to ye all!

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