The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The scallywag U.N. Assembly be votin' for a ceasefire betwixt Israel and the landlubber Hamas, bashin' the U.S. veto!


Avast, me mateys! 'Tis a tale of woe! A vast majority of the scurvy-ridden body's crew be supportin' the nonbinding resolution. 'Tis a clear sign that Israel and the United States be stranded on a deserted isle, all alone in their misadventure! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Twas a sight to behold, ye scurvy dogs! 'Bout three-quarters of the body's members, reckon they be, voted aye on that nonbinding resolution. Aye, ye heard it right, a nonbinding resolution! Ah, but what a grand spectacle it was, indeed. This here outcome be a clear sign, me mateys, showin' the world the true isolation of Israel and the United States!

Ye see, me hearties, these swashbucklers be standin' alone in their beliefs, like two ships adrift in the vast ocean. 'Tis a bit like bein' marooned on a deserted island, with naught but coconut trees and empty rum bottles for company. The rest of the world be lookin' at 'em, scratchin' their heads and wonderin', "What be they thinkin'?"

Now, me buckos, let's talk about this nonbinding resolution. Aye, 'tis the kind of thing that be as useful as a peg leg on a landlubber. It don't be holdin' no weight, like a feather in the wind. 'Tis like sayin', "Aye, I be watchin' ye, but don't ye be thinkin' I'll be doin' anythin' 'bout it!"

But still, 'twas a vote that made a splash, me hearties! Like a cannonball hittin' the water, it sent ripples across the Seven Seas. The world be takin' notice, and the message be clear: Israel and the United States be standin' alone, like a pair of parrots squawkin' on an uninhabited island.

So, me mateys, let's raise a tankard of grog to this grand spectacle! 'Tis a reminder to never sail alone, lest ye find yerself stranded in the vast ocean of international relations. Aye, it be a tale of isolation, a tale that be told for years to come. And remember, me hearties, always keep yer swords sharp and yer wit even sharper!

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