The Booty Report

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Yarr! A scurvy dog from Poland's right be causin' a ruckus, dousing a menorah with a fire-fighter! Blimey, scanda-larr-ous!


Arr, ye landlubber of a far-right MP in Poland be quickly condemned for invading a Hanukkah revelry in parliament and swashbuckling a menorah with a fire extinguisher. A scoundrel of the highest order, this scallywag be!

A 17th century pirate would likely summarize this event in a humorous and exaggerated tone, taking on the persona of a swashbuckling pirate. Ahoy, mateys! 'Tis a tale of outrage on the high seas of politics! In Poland, a scallywag of a lawmaker, Grzegorz Braun, be blastin' a lighted menorah with a fire extinguisher, fillin' the air with smoke and powder. Arr, his actions be met with swift condemnation from all corners!

The speaker of the parliament be callin' his act "absolutely scandalous" and be sendin' him off the ship for the day, hopin' he never return. The parliament be stingin' him with a hefty fine, makin' him lose half his loot. They be sayin' that Poland be a home to all religions, and this behavior won't be tolerated!

Even the new Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, be condemnin' Braun's actions, callin' them "unacceptable." The vote of confidence in his government be delayed because of this ruckus! Even Braun's own party be condemnin' him, me hearties!

But the outrage didn't stop there! The U.S. Ambassador be tweetin' his outrage, and even the Catholic Church in Poland be denouncin' Braun's actions. Cardinal Grzegorz Rys be apologizin' to the Jewish community and expressin' his shame.

Now, me hearties, this celebration of Hanukkah be takin' place peacefully, until Braun be causin' chaos. People be beggin' him to stop, but he be payin' them no mind. A brave woman be tryin' to intervene, but she be gettin' a face full of smoke for her troubles.

In the end, this scurvy dog Braun be tryin' to ruin a happy day, but it be havin' the opposite effect. It be raisin' awareness of the need for tolerance. So let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers, tolerance be the treasure we should be seekin' in these troubled times!

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