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Arrgh! Them Ukraine officials be claimin' over 50 scallywags injured as Russian cannonballs be aimin' for Kyiv!


Arr! Shiver me timbers! Russia be blastin' a cannonball o' destruction at Kyiv, Ukraine, settin' fire to homes and a wee bairn's hospital. 'Tis a sad tale, with 53 souls wounded in the skirmish.

In 17th century pirate speak, me hearties, Russia be launchin' its second missile attack on Kyiv, Ukraine, on Wednesday, causin' injuries and damage to homes and a children's hospital, says the officials. Arrr! Meanwhile, President Volodymyr Zelenskiyy be beggin' for more aid in Washington, D.C., to help Ukraine fight against Russia's war on their land since February 2022, mateys. The explosion be shatterin' apartment windows, leavin' residents runnin' onto the streets to see the destruction. The missiles did a fine job creatin' a massive crater on the ground, and even took out some parked cars like a true sea storm. But fear not, me fellow scallywags, Ukraine's air defense be takin' down all 10 of them ballistic missiles aimed at Kyiv around 3 a.m., as announced by Ukraine's Air Force on Telegram. Aye! Debris be fallin' and causin' injuries and damage in four districts of Kyiv along the Dnipro River, says the officials. The police be reportin' 53 people, includin' six children, be injured in the attack, with 18 of them bein' taken to hospital. The missiles be named Iskander-M and S-400s, and Zelenskiyy's chief of staff be praisin' the Western-supplied air defense systems and their brave operators, says Andriy Yermak on Telegram. Arrr, they be doin' a fine job, says he! A children's hospital be gettin' its windows smashed, but thankfully no one be hurt, says Mayor Vitali Klitschko on Telegram. Some residential buildings in the district also suffer damage to their water supply, me hearties. Seventeen people, includin' seven children, be evacuated from a buildin' in the Dniprovskyi district after debris caused a fire, says Kyiv military administration chief Serhiy Popko. Most injuries be caused by the blast wave breakin' windows, says he. These missiles be followin' another attack on Kyiv earlier in the week, which injured four people, me mateys. Avast! Russia be keepin' mum on this matter, arrr. And if that ain't enough, Ukraine's air force claims to have taken down all 10 Russian-launched attack drones over the Odesa region in the south, arrr! Arrr, that be the end of this tale, me hearties.

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