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Arr! A scurvy Turkish scallywag be sufferin' a heart seizure, claimin' Israel can't dodge God's fury!


Avast ye mateys! Me hearties, the Saadet Party's very own Kocaeli Deputy, Hasan Bitmez, didst be makin' a grand ol' speech 'bout the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He be warnin' that Israel, yonder landlubbers, shall ne'er outrun the wrath o' God! But alas, poor scallywag Bitmez didst faint right after!

A Turkish lawmaker, Hasan Bitmez, suffered a heart attack and collapsed during a speech in Parliament. Bitmez had declared that Israel would not be able to escape the wrath of God. The incident occurred while he was delivering a speech on the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Turkish Grand National Assembly. In his speech, Bitmez stated that the truth would not remain silent, even if history did. He warned that if they got rid of his party, they would not be able to escape the torment of conscience or the wrath of God. Shortly after making these remarks, he fainted and fell to the ground.

Bitmez received immediate first aid, including CPR, before being taken out of the room on a stretcher. The Minister of Health, Fahrettin Koca, stated that during angiography, it was discovered that two main veins were completely blocked. Despite intervention not yielding any results, Bitmez was connected to a heart-lung pump and is currently in serious condition.

It is worth noting that Bitmez is a diabetic and has previously had two heart stents. The incident occurred while he was criticizing the Turkish government's policy regarding the Israel-Hamas war. This incident has gained international attention, with the BBC reporting on it. The Turkish lawmaker's collapse and subsequent health condition have sparked concerns and prayers for his recovery.

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