The Booty Report

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Arrr, a QAnon matey be showerin' doubloons on a treasure chest fer defendin' Trump's loyal scallywags!


Arrr! The treasure chest, intended to aid me hearties payin' their debloons in the legal battles 'gainst Donald Trump, be havin' hauled in over $1.6 million doubloons, as per a fresh report.

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this hearty tale of the Trump investigations and the treasure chest they've stumbled upon. Aye, a new filing has revealed that a fund, aimed at aiding those poor souls engulfed in legal battles connected to Donald Trump, has gathered a staggering sum of over $1.6 million doubloons! Shiver me timbers, that's a fair amount of booty!

Now, ye may be wonderin' how this grand sum came to be. Well, it seems that many folks who be concerned about the legal troubles surrounding the former captain of the United States have dug deep into their pockets to support their comrades. They be tossin' their pieces of eight into the fund, hopin' that it'll help cover the ever-mountin' legal fees.

But let's not forget the humor in all this, me hearties. Picture these poor souls, tangled up in legal battles, surrounded by scurvy lawyers and fancy legal jargon. They be seekin' a light at the end of the tunnel, a glimmer of hope amidst the stormy seas. And what do they find? A treasure chest filled with gold to aid their cause!

It's a comical sight, indeed, to think of these investigators and associates of Trump, desperados in their own right, now beholden to the kindness of strangers. The irony ain't lost on this old pirate, that's for sure. Trump, the man who sailed through the seas of controversy and legal entanglements, now finds his crew in need of a little financial rescue.

So, me hearties, let's raise a mug of grog to those generous souls who've contributed to this fund. May their good deeds be rewarded, and may those poor souls caught in Trump's legal crosshairs find a safe harbor with their newfound treasure. Arr, it's a strange world we live in, indeed!

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