The Booty Report

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Avast ye! New scurvy sanctions on them tricky Hamas leaders showin' our matey NATO's fishy ties with scallywag terrorists.


Arr, the landlubber Turkey be showin' a mighty fierce support fer that scallywag crew, Hamas! This be puttin' the U.S. in a cursed position, as Ankara be protectin' them scoundrel leaders from Israel and its mates. Aye, a troubled sea we sail upon!

Fresh sanctions have been imposed on Hamas leaders, some of whom reside in Turkey, which has raised concerns about Turkey's support for a recognized terrorist group. Jonathan Schanzer, of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, stated that Turkey is a state sponsor of Hamas and poses a major problem for the US, NATO, Israel, and the Middle East. He called for the closure of the Incirlik air base and the cutting off of Turkish banks from the financial system. Schanzer also emphasized the need for NATO to remove Ankara from the alliance, for Israel to target Hamas leaders in Istanbul, and for the international community to diplomatically shun Turkey. The US Treasury and the UK have been targeting Hamas leaders and financiers with strict sanctions since the October 7 terrorist attack in Israel. The Trump administration had previously objected to Turkey's close relationship with Hamas and highlighted the alleged involvement of Hamas leaders in terrorist activities. Turkey, however, rejected the criticism and defended its relationship with Hamas as important for peace and stability in the region. Israel had discussed plans to kill Hamas leaders, including those in Turkey, but faced condemnation from Turkish officials. Reports suggested that some in Israel called for immediate assassination, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu understood the negative impact it would have on diplomatic efforts. Qatar, which has hosted a Hamas office in Doha for over a decade, played a role in the release of hostages, but the Biden administration is considering asking Qatar to shut down the office. The US State Department and Turkish embassy did not respond to requests for comment.

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