The Booty Report

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Arr, a gallant chirping landlubber, a jester o' jesters, met his bitter end in Colombia. Walk the plank, he did!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis said that a fine Asian American matey be snatched away in Colombia. Kept for a fearsome booty, the scoundrels plunged their daggers into him and cast him o'er a bridge into a treacherous ravine.

The body of U.S. activist and comedian Tou Ger Xiong was found with multiple stab wounds and dumped in a ravine in Colombia. Xiong, an Asian American man from Woodbury, Minnesota, was on vacation in Colombia and had met up with a woman he connected with on social media when he was abducted by a group of men. He called a friend in Colombia, saying that the men were demanding a ransom of $2,000 for his release. He also mentioned that he was being held at gunpoint. While he was being held captive, a woman raided his apartment, but managed to escape when the police arrived. Before any payment could be made, Xiong's body was found in the ravine with stab wounds, blunt force trauma, and bruises from a fall. Police are investigating whether the group killed him because he tried to escape. Xiong's brother stated that one of the alleged kidnappers had been caught by the police. Xiong's family and friends described him as a passionate advocate for positive change in society. He dedicated his life to bridging cultures and speaking for those without a voice. His family plans to create a foundation in his name to provide scholarships and assistance to those in need. Xiong was of Hmong descent and embraced his cultural heritage through his work. He was a comedian, entertainer, motivational speaker, and educator. Sen. Amy Klobuchar released a statement expressing her condolences and offering assistance to Xiong's family.

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